Data Protection Declaration

Data Pro­tec­tion De­cla­ra­tion.

In the follow­ing da­ta pro­tec­tion de­cla­ra­tion we will in­form you about the use and pro­tect­ion of data that you trans­mit to us when you visit our web­site. The pro­tec­tion of your da­ta is very im­por­tant to us and we there­fore com­ply with all appli­ca­ble sta­tu­tory da­ta pro­tec­tion re­quire­ments. In the follo­wing, we would like to in­form you how we guaran­tee the pro­tec­tion of your da­ta and which da­ta is collec­ted for which pur­poses via our we­bsite.

General in­for­ma­tion

Name and con­tact de­tails of the person re­spon­sib­le

Dr. Fidelio Tata

Elisa­beth­kirch­str. 2

DE-10115 Berlin


Con­tact per­son for da­ta pro­tec­tion issues

Dr. Fidelio Tata

Elisa­beth­kirch­str. 2

DE-10115 Berlin


Your rights re­gar­ding your da­ta

Accor­ding to the EU Ge­ne­ral Da­ta Pro­tect­ion Re­gu­la­tion (GDPR), you have the follo­wing rights with re­gard to your per­so­nal da­ta:

  • Right to in­for­ma­tion
  • Right to re­cti­fi­ca­tion
  • Right to de­le­tion
  • Right to re­stric­tion of pro­cessing
  • Right to da­ta por­ta­bi­li­ty

If you want to make use of your rights, please con­tact our da­ta pro­tec­tion offi­cer.

You also have the right to com­plain to a da­ta pro­tec­tion su­per­vi­sory autho­ri­ty about the pro­cessing of your per­so­nal data by us.

Host­ing of the web­site

This web­site is host­ed by 1 & 1 IONOS Inc., 701 Lee Road, Suite 300, Chester­brook, PA 19087, USA. As part of our co­opera­tion, we do not pass on any per­so­nal da­ta about your visit to our we­bsite directly to 1 & 1 IONOS Inc. How­ever, it can happen that 1 & 1 IONOS Inc., e.g. as part of main­te­na­nce work, at least po­tential­ly has access to per­so­nal da­ta. The use of 1 & 1 IONOS as a host for our web­site serves to safe­guard the le­gi­ti­mate in­terest in making our web­site availa­ble to you as tech­ni­cal­ly as possi­ble. The le­gal basis for this is Article 6 (1) lit. f) GDPR.

Col­lec­tion and use of your da­ta when you visit our web­site

Access da­ta

(1) De­scrip­tion of da­ta pro­ces­sing

When our web­site is used for in­for­ma­tion pur­po­ses only, our system auto­ma­tical­ly re­cords da­ta and in­for­ma­tion that your browser trans­mits to our ser­ver (so-called access da­ta):

  • Your IP address,
  • the country from which you access our web­site,
  • the web­site from which you visit our web­site,
  • the re­spec­tive search term when you come to our web­site via a search en­gine,
  • the spe­ci­fic web­sites that you visit with us,
  • Your inter­net ser­vice pro­vider,
  • Your web browser and your opera­ting system with which you access our web­site,
  • the files that you down­load from our web­site and
  • the date, du­ra­tion and time of your visit to our web­site.

The data is also stored in the log files of our system. This data is not stored to­gether with other per­so­nal data of the user.

(2) Legal basis for data proces­sing

The legal basis for the tem­po­ra­ry storage of the data and the log files is Art. 6 Para. 1 S. 1 lit. f GDPR.

(3) Purpose of data proces­sing

The tempo­ra­ry storage of the data by the system is necessary in order to pro­vide you with our web­site. In parti­cu­lar, the user's IP address must be saved for the du­ra­tion of the session.

The storage in log files takes place in order to ensure the func­tio­na­li­ty of our web­site. In addi­tion, we use the data to en­sure the se­cu­ri­ty of our in­for­ma­tion tech­no­lo­gy systems. An eva­lu­ation of the data for mar­ke­ting pur­poses does not take place in this con­text.

Our le­gi­ti­mate in­terest in data pro­ces­sing in accor­dance with Art. 6 Paragraph 1 lit. f GDPR.

(4) Du­ra­tion of storage

The data will be de­let­ed as soon as they are no longer re­quired to achieve the pur­pose for which they were col­lected. In the case of the col­lec­tion of data for the pro­vi­sion of our web­site, this is the case when the re­spective session has ended. If the data is stored in log files, this is the case after 30 days at the latest.

(5) Oppor­tu­nity to ob­ject

The col­lec­tion of the data for the pro­vi­sion of our web­site and the storage of the data in log files is es­sen­tial for the opera­tion of our web­site. There is con­se­quent­ly no possi­bi­li­ty of ob­ject­ion on the part of the web­site user.


(1) De­scrip­tion of data pro­cessing

In addi­tion to the afore­mentioned data, cookies are stored on your com­pu­ter when you use our web­site. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your hard drive and assigned to the browser you are using and through which certain in­for­ma­tion flows to the place that sets the cookie (in this par­ti­cu­lar case by us). This web­site uses the follow­ing types of cookies, the scope and functio­na­li­ty of which are ex­plained below:

  • transient cookies,
  • persistent cookies.

Transient cookies are auto­ma­ti­cal­ly de­leted when you close the browser. This in­cludes in par­ti­cu­lar the session cookies. These save a so-called session ID, with which various re­quests from your browser can be assigned to the common session. This means that your com­pu­ter can be re­cog­nized when you re­turn to our web­site. The session cookies are de­le­ted when you log out or close the browser.

Per­sistent cookies are auto­ma­ti­cal­ly de­le­ted after a specified period, which can differ de­pending on the cookie. You can delete cookies at any time in the security settings of your browser.

(2) Legal basis for data pro­cessing

The legal basis for the pro­cessing of per­so­nal data using cookies is Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f GDPR.

(3) Purpose of data pro­cessing

The purpose of using cookies is to simplify the use of web­sites for users. In principle, our web­site can be used with­out the use of cookies. However, some functions cannot be offered with­out the use of cookies.

(4) Duration of storage, possi­bi­li­ties of ob­jection

Cookies are stored on the user's com­pu­ter and trans­mitted to our site from this com­pu­ter. As a user, you there­fore have full con­trol over the use of cookies. You can de­acti­vate or re­strict the trans­mission of cookies by changing the browser setting. Cookies that have already been saved can be de­le­ted at any time. This can also be done au­to­ma­tical­ly.


Our web­site con­tains links to other web­sites. We check those links with reaso­nable care and the re­spec­tive ex­ter­nal web­sites usual­ly have their own data pro­tection de­cla­ra­tions. We there­fore ex­plicit­ly assume no lia­bi­li­ty for such sta­te­ments that are not re­la­ted to us and ask you to in­form your­self se­pa­rately about the data pro­tection practice of the pro­vider of the re­spec­tive ex­te­rnal web­site.

Last up­dated: November 12, 2020

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