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Dr. Fidelio Tata.

Ad­vi­sing fi­nan­cial ser­vice pro­vi­ders re­gar­ding glo­bal mar­kets and in­sti­tu­tio­nal bank­ing.

Ex­pert opinions for se­cu­ri­ties and de­ri­va­tives, as well as di­gi­tal as­sets.

Con­tinu­ing edu­ca­tion and se­mi­nars on ca­pi­tal mar­kets and de­ri­va­tives topics.

04 Professor.

Pro­fes­sor of Fi­nan­ce at In­ter­na­tio­nal School of Ma­na­ge­ment (ISM) in Ber­lin.


Fidelio is professor of Finance and a pub­li­cly appointed ex­pert to German courts on se­cu­ri­ties and de­ri­va­tives. Fidelio's ex­perience in the fi­nancial markets and the in­vest­ment in­dustry dates back 30 years and his ex­perience spans po­si­tions in in­sti­tu­tional sales, de­ri­va­tives marketing, fixed-income re­search / stra­te­gy, and risk ma­na­ge­ment. He is a ve­te­ran of top Wall Street firms in­clu­ding JPMorgan, Credit Suisse, HSBC and Societe Generale. 

Fidelio’s broad teaching ex­perience in­cludes the de­velop­ment of a glo­bal de­ri­va­tives training pro­gram, acting as frequent guest-speaker at con­ferences and trainer in asset and lia­bi­li­ty ma­na­ge­ment to central banks. He is author of Palgrave Macmillan's "Cor­po­rate and In­vest­ment Banking."

​Fidelio focuses his teaching, con­sulting and publi­cation efforts on financial markets, banking, de­ri­va­tives, and digi­tal assets.


Pro­fessor of Fi­nance.

Inter­na­tio­nal School of Ma­na­ge­ment (Berlin); since  2021.
Ber­lin School of Eco­no­mics and Law (Ber­lin); 2017-2021.

Ma­na­ge­ment Con­sul­tant.

zeb con­sul­ting (Berlin); 2013-2017.

Head of US-In­terest Rate Stra­te­gy­.

Societe Ge­ne­rale (New York); 2010-2012.

Head of De­ri­va­tive Stra­tegy.

RBS (Stamford, CT); 2006-2010

Head of US-De­ri­va­tive Stra­tegy.

HSBC (New York); 2004-2005.

De­ri­va­tive Stra­te­gy.

Credit Suisse (New York); 1998-2004.

De­ri­va­ti­ve Trading, Sales and Train­ing.

JP Morgan (Zurich & New York); 1995-1998.



Har­vard Uni­versi­ty & Uni­versi­ty of St. Gallen; 1992-1995.

Lic. Oec.

Uni­versi­ty of St. Gallen; 1988-1992.

Ex­change Pro­grams.

New York Uni­versi­ty (NYU) Stern School.

Lon­don School of Eco­no­mics and Po­li­ti­cal Science (LSE).

Mem­ber­ship and Ac­ti­vi­ty in Asso­ci­ations and Com­mit­tees.

Fe­de­ral Asso­ci­ation of pub­lic­ly ap­point­ed and sworn Ex­perts  (BVS); member.

Ger­man Fi­nan­ce Asso­cia­tion (DGF); member.

Block­chain Bundes­ver­band; member of the Ex­perts Board.

Di­gi­tal Eu­ro Asso­cia­tion (DEA); expert.

Pro­fessio­nal Wo­men's Net­work (PWN) Vienna; mentor.

Dr. Fidelio Tata
Elisabethkirchstr. 2
10115 Berlin
Tel. +49 151 64419612
FAX +49 30 33006090‬

USt-Id Nr. DE313212973

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